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Educating an Industry

Introductory Guide for Sectional Title Owners

    Welcome! To help you as a property owner understand the basic benefits, rules and regulations of owning a home in a Sectional Title Development Scheme, Enterprises University of Pretoria Proprietary Limited, in collaboration with Sectional Title Solutions (Pty) Ltd and other industry experts, have created this free, user-friendly course. What’s more is that you can access the course material in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa and Sepedi.

    The Introductory Guide for Sectional Title Owners is the first course readily available to you, and is one of many courses we have planned. TRACS is currently working on several more courses, from an introductory course right through to an advanced course for Sectional Title owners, and a few additional courses too, that cover important topics such as financial rehabilitation for your Community Scheme.

    Participants who complete this course may also qualify for various discounts and special offers from industry-related service providers for their Sectional Title Development Scheme, and indirectly, for themselves.

    Navigation Tips

    Here are a few tips to help you easily work your way through this course:

    • Click on the continue button to see what’s next    
    • Click on images to enlarge them
    • Click on the play button to view a video    
    • Take note of the instructions on-screen, to guide you through the course
    • Look out for purple bolded words as these are linked to the dictionary
    • To get the full benefit of this course, try to complete each chapter in order. You can, however, access the chapters in any order, should you wish to do so.   
    Introduction Sectional Title Property Ownership – Benefits Sectional Title Property Ownership – What you own, your duties and responsibilities Levies Owner Meetings Trustees Managing Agent Insurance The Community Schemes Ombud Service
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